Based upon the scores that are submitted. The scores will be averaged and the dog with the highest average will be awarded “TOP” dog award.
2021 Sir Rudolph of Osawatomie CD CDX UD - Jennifer Kaschke |
2017 Wakemup Games With Northern Lights CD PCD GN - Marilyn Scheffler |
2016 Legacy's Sapphire Dream PCD BN RA - Mary Schweitzer |
2015 Legacy's Promise CD RN - Mary Schweitzer |
2014 CH Corwynt Swindon Running Into the Sun CD - Lynn Buckner |
2013 Betting the Farm on Kiefer CD - Sherry Wolf-Drbal |
2012 JC's Maximum Havoc BN CD RN RA - Jenn Calcaterra |
2011 CH Legacy Clair De Lune CD |
2010 Darlin's Making A Splash CD - Vincent Kamrath |
2008 Schroeder Henry CD - Marilyn Sheffler |
2007 Lacey's Duke Dandy UCD - Georgette Wolters |
2006 Madam Butterfly's Chatty Cha Cha CD - Margot Peterson |
2005 UCD Alta-Tollhaus Andiamo CD CD - Ann Kleimola |
2004 Carillon's Ring with Brio CD TD - Hope Sass |
2003 Herr Conrad CD CGC - Janet Ball |
2002 That's My Turky Boy CD CGC TDI - Lucy Miller |
2001 Silverstone Elsa to Ease CD - Sherry Wolf Drbal |
2000 U-CD Vince's Friendly Lil' Girl CGC UDX - Vincent & Maxine Kamrath |
1999 U-ACH/U-CD Brasstax Belgarion CGC CD OA OAJ CL3-R - Pat Guticz & Harry Guticz |
1998 U-AG II/U-AG I/U-CD/CH Rodeo Chute Out CD CLI-R CLI-F NA NAJ - Alise Dart |
1997 Xaren's Cataline of Kwetu CD CGC - Carol Klucas |
1996 - U-CD Melody Rockafire CD - Dawn Antoniak-Mitchell |
1995 Santeric's Southern Fanfare CD CGC - Robin James |
1994 Briarbrook's Moonligh on Cody CD CGC - Monica ^ Randy Barger |
1993 Renejade Foreign Intrigue CGC WAC BH AGI CD AD - Nancy Christensen |
1992 Ch Finojin's Outrage CD - Nancy Christensen |
1992 Brasstax Silver Streak CD - Pat Guticz |
1991 Ch ???mans Sarkany The Hustler CD - Ann Kleimola |
1990 Brasstax Backfire CD - Pat Guticz |
1989 ???? ston'e What's Logic CD - Virgina Mattson |
1988 Apricot Brandy Dandy CD - Matthew & Diane West |